The Duozone

if i fail i have to write the sentence here...

July 8

Ils Savent qu'elles connaissent cet acteur

They (Masculine) know that they(feminine) know this actor.

Tu connais ce film? Tu sais que c'est tres triste?

You know this movie? Do you know that its very sad?

Nous Savons que tu es intelligent

We know that you are smart

Savoir: to know. I know how to play guitare. I know how to play piano. I know that. Connaitre: To know a person or to be generally familiar.

Nous avons besoin des dictionaires mais nous ne les trouvons pas

We need the dictionaries but we cant find them.

Je ne sais pas comment l'utiliser

I dont know how to use it

Tu Vas les adorer

You are going to love them

Ce livre est genial et vous allez l'adorer

This book is great and you are going to love it

Nous ecrivons beacoup et nous avons besoin de papier

We write a lot and we need paper

July 9

I only did stories and didnt fail

July 10

Ya IDK. I didnt do a lot of lessons lol.

July 11

Did 2 perfect lessons in family three and jumped a level

On deteste le the

We hate tea

Est-ce que tu voyages lundi

Are you travelling on monday

Voici ma petite amie

Here is my girlfriend

On deteste le cafe

We hate coffee

Viens a mon anniversaire

Come to my birthday

Tu m'appelles tous les jours

You call me everyday

Il y a beaucoup de sodas dans le frigo

There are a lot of sodas in the fridge

a green stylised owl, the mascot for duolingo. he has an orange beak and orange feet, and light green around his eyes and a few marks on his chest.

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